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For the Authors

Review procedure

  • Materials submitted for publication are subject to a two-step scientific review.
  • The first step involves the evaluation by the editorial team, based on opinions issued by two Editors appointed for this purpose, and leading to the decision whether to qualify the material for the second stage of the review procedure.
  • The second step involves commissioning a publishing review from two external Reviewers.
  • The external Reviewers, appointed by the editorial team, are recruited from among senior academic staff members of Polish and foreign academic institutions, specializing in the field pertinent to the material submitted by the Author.
  • External Reviewers are selected in the manner preventing any conflict of interest between them and the Author.
  • Based on the opinion of the Editors and on the editorial reviews, the editorial team makes the final decision whether to accept the given material for publication.
  • The Publisher undertakes to provide a written decision, including the justification thereof.

The rules of cooperation with the Author

  • The Author is required to provide the Publisher with the final version of his/her work in the form of a printed copy (text and illustrative material) as well as the digital version of the work that is identical with the printed copy.
  • The Author has the right to include copyrighted materials in his/her publication only if he/she has previously provided the Publisher with the written consent of the copyright holder. In the case of previously published materials, the original Publisher’s consent is required in accordance with the established formula, and the text should be equipped with an appropriate footnote.
  • The Author is required to maintain the following layout of materials submitted for publication:

– Front page

– Table of contents

– List of abbreviations and symbols

– Introduction / preface

– Main text with footnotes

– Annexes

– Bibliography

– Glossary of terms

– Indexes

– Lists of illustrations, tables, summaries, etc.

  • The Author is required to prepare and submit notes about the book and about himself/herself, in Polish and English, which the Publisher will use for promotional purposes.
  • The Author is systematically informed about the progress of editorial work on his/her material, either by e-mail or during meetings with the Editor in charge of the given publication.
  • The Author conducts the Author’s proof of the edited work, and authorizes the edited material.
  • Author’s proof allows for corrections up to a few per cent of the total text volume. Any more substantial changes, such as moving entire sentences and paragraphs or adding new fragments require the Publisher’s consent, as they may affect the publishing date and costs.

Technical guidelines

  • Text:

– A4 paper size

– Text file in one of the following formats: rtf, doc, docx, along with special fonts introduced by the Author

– Times New Roman font, size of 12 points

– In joint publications, articles with a unified format of titles, footnotes, bibliographies and quotes

– 1.5 line spacing

– One-sided printing

– Text and bibliographical footnotes – font size of 10 points, with links in the upper index

  • Illustrative material:

– Graphics for publication must be of high quality, unified form and description. This applies in particular to multi-page inserts with highly diverse illustrative material.

– Each illustration should be submitted in the form of a separate file with its respective file name (all files collected in one folder) and printed within the text, or on a separate page.

– Photographs should be submitted either as tif files with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi for the required printing dimensions, or as high-quality originals, making it possible to perform the scan (good quality files in pdf or jpg format are acceptable).

– Charts and diagrams should be rendered in Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or Microsoft Excel software (if they need to be edited in the process).

– Drawings should be submitted either in the form of cdr or ai files, or as high-contrast, high-quality originals suitable for copying.

  • Bibliographic notes should be given in a unified format, and once selected, the format should be used consistently.