The publishing house of the “Societas Vistulana” Scientific Society first appeared on the market of history books in 1998. From year to year, it consolidated its position within that market, and today it is deservedly considered one of the best academic publishing houses in Poland, as well as having earned an international reputation.
The publishing profile, initially narrowly focused on the history of the Middle Ages, has gradually expanded over the years, and it now encompasses modern and contemporary history, art history, literary studies, theatre studies, as well as psychology, pedagogy and media studies. Our publications are works by eminent authors from various research centres in Poland and abroad. Our collaborators include both recognized academic authorities in the field of humanities, and young talented scholars at the threshold of their careers.
A special place in our publishing offer is occupied by editorial series and journals, which are highly valued in the academic milieu in Poland and abroad:
- “Cistercium Mater Nostra. Studia et documenta”
- “Fontes Iuris Polonici”
- “Galicja na józefińskiej mapie topograficznej 1779–1783” [Galicia in the Josephine topographic map 1779–1783]
- “Historia et Monumenta Universitatis Jagellonicae”
- “Krakow Historical Monographs”
- “Modus. Prace z Historii Sztuki” [Modus. Art History Journal]
- “Polski Słownik Biograficzny” [Polish Biographical Dictionary]
- “Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae”
- “Słownik historyczno-geograficzny województwa krakowskiego w średniowieczu” [Historical-geographical dictionary of the Kraków Region in the Middle Ages]
- “Studia Jagiellonica”
- “Studia z historii sztuki dawnej Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie” [Studies in Early Art from the Jagiellonian University Institute of Art History and the National Museum in Kraków]
What makes our publications stand out, and what encourages the authors to trust us with their manuscripts, is the high substantial and editorial quality of our work, as well as the international distribution that we offer. Our professional team of editors provide:
- reliable editing of texts in terms of content and linguistic correctness;
- carefully prepared typographic design of the publications;
- layout and typesetting that meet the highest editorial standards;
- original graphic designs of the covers;
- domestic and international distribution of books, ensuring their introduction into national and international academic circulation.